Tutorial Transcript
Hi there, welcome to Russian weekly words. Learn wherever you can with me Katya or let’s say Katyusha. Call me Katyusha okay. Are you in a good mood for some Russian? I can hear yes. Today’s topic is “clothing actions”. Let’s put in clothes together. So number 1 is [надевать - nadevat`] - “put on”, “I put on my hat” [Я надела кепку. - Ya nadela kepku.]. [вязать - vyazat`] - “to knit”. Do you do knitting now-a-days? My grandmother, of course she taught me how to knit. [Моя бабушка научила меня вязать. Maya babushka nauchila menya vyazat'.] “My grandmother taught me how to knit”. Let’s try knitting some socks next time. [снимать - snimat`] - “take off”, take off your whatever sweater, “take it off” [Снимай! - Snimay!], “take off your shoes” - [Снимай свою обувь! - Snimay svayu obuf'!]. Next word is [шить - shyt`] it’s not [и] but it’s more like deeper inside your throat like [ы], [шить - shyt`] - “to sew” “I’d like to sew a new dress for you” [Я бы хотела пошить для тебя новое платье. Ya by khatela pashit' dlya tebya novaye plat'ye.] [примерять - primeryat`] - “to try it on”. Well every time you go shopping which is most of the time for girls, you can use this word, right. “Let’s go try it on” [Пошли померяем - Pashli pameryayem] or [Пошли примеряем - Pashli primeryayem] Not the very big difference and so you can use both [померять - pameryat`] or [примерять - primeryat`] So next word is the end of shopping and clothes actions. Well if you have any other words you’d like to know please tell me, write to me and I will translate it for you or make up some sentences. So hope to see you next time in the next Russian weekly words, see-ya.