Tutorial Transcript
Hello again and it’s me Katyusha with you for Russian weekly words and to learn some words in Russian. So I hope you are excited and I wonder what’s our topic and theme is going to be about today. So let’s have a look and as always.... “jobs” - работа (rabota) What kind of job can you do? There are so many, oh my god. So the first job is... инженер (injener) -“engineer”. Okay, engineer, you know what’s engineer is. So, инженер (injener) which is very similar in pronunciation. Мой папа работает инженером. Moy papa rabotayet inzhenerom. “My father is an engineer”. In English, it’s kind of similar because you just say “is” which specifies what kind of job person does but in Russian, you have to say work. So, what exactly he does, what work he does. So, it’s работает (rabotayet). So, the next job is... медсестра (medsestra). It’s a nurse. Literally, сестра (sestra) is a “sister”. It’s interesting that we say sister and brother actually. In hospitals, there are sisters and brothers like medical sisters and medical brothers. For women, you say медсестра (medsestra) and for guys, you say медбрат (medbrat). Funny! “My sister is a nurse.” Моя сестра работает медсестрой. Maya sestra rabotayet medsestroy . Программист (programmist) - “programmer”. There are many good programmers in Russia. “I would like to be a programmer.” Я хотела бы быть программистом. Ya khatelа by byt' pragrammistam. For girls or for guys it doesn’t matter, it’s always программист (programmist). Профессор (professor) - “professor”. “Would you like to be a professor?” Ты хотел бы быть профессором? Ty khatel by byt' prafesaram? Профессор (professor) and “professor” are very similar so easy to remember for you. Next word is... домохозяйка (damakhazyayka) - “housewife”. It’s interesting that I use it as a job. I guess it’s pretty hard job too. So.. домохозяйка (damakhazyayka). “I would never think I could be a housewife.” Никогда бы не подумала, что я могу быть домохозяйкой. Nikogda by ne podumala, chto ya mogu byt' domokhozyaykoy To me, I am not sure, I would rather choose something else more exciting maybe involving meeting other people like you, you and you and you and you watching me. This is the end to our topic today. That was jobs and so I hope next time, we will also talk some about new, nice useful words and next time, when you have a trip to Moscow or somewhere else, you can use. So see you later and... Пока-пока. Paka-paka.