Tutorial Transcript
Hi there, welcome to Russian weekly words. Today me Katyusha will mention some Russian words to you and I hope you can repeat after me or at least try and remember some. Now let’s have a look what topic we will have today. “Post office” - почта [pochta] Actually почта [pochta] can be not only post office but all these letters and parcels like in cars and things you want to send can be called почта [pochta]. Ты бы не могла сходить на почту за меня? [Ty by ne magla skhadit' na pochtu za menya?] “Could you go to post office for me?.” Oh it’s very important and it’s... адрес [adres] - “address” Мне нужно адрес написать на конверте. [Mne nuzhna adres napisat' na kanverte.] “I need a address to write on the envelope.” конверт [kanvert] - “envelope” Мне нужно несколько конвертов. [Mne nuzhna neskal'ka kanvertaf.] “I need to get few envelopes.” письмо [pis`mo] - “letter” Maybe you remember we mentioned about письменный стол [pis`menyy stol] like “desk”, like “writing table" to write letters. So... письмо [pis`mo] Я бы хотела написать письмо другу в Северную Америку. [Ya by khatela napisat' pis'mo drugu f Severnuyu Ameriku.] “I would like to write a letter to my friend in North America.” I hope you still write letters. It’s really nice to get like real one, not email but nice card or letter. посылка [pasylka] - “parcel” Я часто отправляю посылки моим родителям. [Ya chasta atpravlyayu pasylki maim raditelyam.] “I often send parcels to my parents.” It’s coming from посылать [pasylat`] - “to send”. почтовая марка [pachtovaya marka] - “stamp” Я собираю почтовые марки. [Ya sabirayu pachtovyye marki.] “I collect stamps.” Actually "stamp" is марка [marka] but because it’s something you put on the letter to send, we add adjective почтовая [pachtovaya]. No! It’s the end again! I think the word you really remember very well is "the end". Maybe I should also translate it into Russian? [Конец - kanets!] This is the end but not the end, so I hope I`ll see you some other time with Russian weekly words in other sessions. So, Пока-пока [Paka-paka]