Tutorial Transcript
Hi there, hello, hello anyone! Welcome to Russian weekly words with me Katyusha and today's topic is going to be... "Studying a language". Существительное (sushchestvitel`naye) - "Noun". In Russian, существовать (sushchestvavat'), it means "to exist" or so. "Noun" in Russian is существительное (sushchestvitel`naye). Существительные бывают единственного и множественного числа. (Sushchestvitel'nyye byvayut yedinstvennava i mnozhestvennava chisla.) "Nouns can be singular and plural". Урок (urok) - "lesson". Я прогулял урок. (Ya pragulyal urok.) "I skipped my lesson." Lesson can also be something you learned from your life right, from the experience, not only its cool. So it's going to be same: урок (urok). Изучать (izuchat`) - "study". Изучать язык (Izuchat' yazyk.) - "to study some language". Учить (uchit`) - "learn". Учить (uchit`) is a tricky word because you can also use it for somebody who teaches you like your teachers. They can teach you. Мой учитель учит меня математике. (Moy uchitel' uchit menya matematike.) "My teacher teaches me math." Yeah in Russian, it is going to be учить (uchit`) somebody. Изучать (izuchat`) - it's mostly for yourself . Язык (yazyk). As I previously said, it's a "language". В мире существует много языков. (V mire sushchestvuyet mnoga yazykof.) "There are many languages in the world." Okay and it's over. No more school stuff, no more learning but learning is also good and I hope we will learn some other new and useful words with you next time... Пока-пока (paka-paka).