Tutorial Transcript
So welcome back to French weekly words and this week will be about Family. Uh family and the first word is Grandmother, oops! Here you are, grandmother, grand-mère. Grandma is cooking. La cuisine de grand-mère. Or grandma’s cookies, les cookies de grand-mère. And then it’s… Grandfather, grand-père. You have this expression in French that if clothing looks for really old people, it’s like, oh you are wearing grandpa’s clothing or you look like a grandpa, Tu ressembles à un grand-père. To go fishing with your grandfather. Aller pêcher avec son grand-père. I'm envious of those people. Mère, mother. My mother is coming to see me next week. Ma mère vient me rendre visite la semaine prochaine. Let’s do daughter and motherly stuff. Respect your mother. Respectez votre mère. Father, père. My father’s cooking is the best. Mon père fait la meilleure cuisine. yeah. Father’s day, la Fête des pères, find something nice for your dad. Next one. Fille, daughter. I am a daughter. I have two daughters. J'ai deux filles. I don’t, I am too young for that. And it’s the end. What about your family members? You can leave me a comment and check the word list and we will see you next time, bye. Father and son going fishing but you already did that with the grandpa. So maybe you get tired of fishing.