Tutorial Transcript
So welcome back to French weekly words and this week theme is in your wallet. We won't be seeing much. There is nothing in my wallet. First word is: Carte de bibliothèque. Library card. I can borrow books with my library card. Je peux emprunter des livres avec ma carte de bibliothèque. Carte de crèdit. Credit card. On a bloquè ma cart e de crèdit . They blocked my credit card, too bad. No more food for me. Next one: Carte de membre, membership card. I got plenty of membership cards. So I have a membership card for the swimming pool. J'ai une carte de membre pour la piscine. Maybe. Carte de visite, business card. Yes. On a seulement des cartes de visite dans les grosses compagnies. We only have business card in big companies. Liquide, cash. Liquide in French is the same word as liquid, any liquid. So it's because the money flows. Something like that. Il me reste un peu de liquide dans mon porte-monnaie. I still got a little bit of cash in my wallet, just tiny little bit. Next one is the end. We will see you next week for more French weekly words and don't forget to leave a comment or to get the words from the website. So see you, bye.