Tutorial Transcript
So welcome back to French weekly words and this week will be about food. Yeah! my favorite thing, food. I love food. First one is: Bœuf. Beef. Beef is yummy. Le bœuf c'est bon. Du bœuf Bourguignon. Bourguignon beef. I’m not sure how to pronounce it in English, but it’s a famous French dish with a lot of beef of course, and a lot of veggies. Beef is just plain delicious. A beefsteak, Un steak de bœuf. Just with little salt and pepper on top, it’s delicious. Next one: Pain, bread. The most famous French bread is Baguette. Le pain français le plus connu est la baguette. We have plenty of different breads in France. Nous avons plein de pains différents en France. you should try each and every one of them with butter on top. It’s like cake. Next: Pork, porc. pork sausages. Des saucisses de porc. we have roasted pork, Du rôti de porc, it’s quite nice. Blé, wheat. De la farine de blé. wheat flour, or this has got to do with wheat usually. Next one: Bonbons, sweets. Don’t eat too many sweets. Ne mangez pas trop de bonbons. It will hurt your teeth. And it’s the end. Well much food, now I am hungry. So tell me what’s your favorite food in the comments. Don’t forget to check the word list and we will see you next week for more French words. See you guys. Have some great food.