Tutorial Transcript
Welcome back to French weekly words and this week will be about drinks. I like drinking. I shouldn't say that. First one, café Coffee, café. Everyone in the office owes me coffee. Tout le monde au bureau me doit des cafés. It's true. I love coffee. J'aime le café. Coffee wakes me up. Le café me réveille. Next one: jus de fruits Jus de fruits, fruit juice. Those are delicious. Natural fruit juice. Un jus de fruits naturel. You can have some at the corner of the street over there. My favorite fruit juice is pineapple juice. Mon jus de fruit préféré est le jus d'ananas. Eau, water. You should drink more water. Tu devrais boire plus d'eau. Water! I ran out of water. Je n'ai plus d'eau. L'eau est la plus saine des boissons. Water is the healthiest drink. Beer, biére. To have a beer belly. Avoir un bidon de biére. Too much beer will make you drunk. Trop de biére rend soûl. Don't drink too much beer. Ne buvez pas trop de biére. Except after work, you deserve one. Next is Lait, milk. Cow milk. Du lait de vache. Or soy milk, du lait de soja. To make cheese with goat milk. Faire du fromage avec du lait de chévre. And it's the end. So tell me what's your favorite drink in the comments. Don't forget to check the word list from the website and we will see you next week. See-ya. Glaçons, Ice. Ice, ice baby! And this is gonna stay and I will be ashamed for all my life. thank you.