Tutorial Transcript
Hi everyone and welcome back to weekly words and let's start this week with jobs. Hey that's a nice one. So jobs. First job is Infirmière, nurse. Mon père est infirmier. My dad is a nurse, which is true. Hi! Infirmière is for women and infirmier will be for men. Officier de police, police officer or you can just say policier. Ce policier est trop mèchant. This police officer is so mean. C'est un gent il officier de police. He's a nice police officer. He showed me the way and stuff. Employè(e) de bureau, office worker. It looks boring being an office worker. Je suis employèe de bureau. I am an office worker. Simple. Next one: Ingènieur, engineer. Wouldn't it be nice to marry an engineer? Ce serait plut ôt sympa de se marier avec un ingènieur, non? Yeah, I said something nice, great. Programmeur, which is programmer. I thought we did computer word already. Le programmeur programme un programme. The programmer is programming a program. Three times that we can use the same word easily. Okay. Le programmeur fait un jeu. So programmer is making a game, which would be super nice. And it's the end again. So let's see you next week in weekly words. Bye.