Tutorial Transcript
Back in the studio. Hey watchers, welcome for more French weekly words and this week is study subjects, sujets de l'étude. You don’t want to study, which one is the first one? chimie Chimie, chemistry. Have you seen breaking bad? it’s science, people. So chemistry, when you mix fancy products together and it goes *bah*! To study chemistry. Étudier la chimie. I got C in chemistry because I blow the class up. J'ai eu un C en chimie parce que j'ai fait exploser la classe. I got A in chemistry because I blow the class up. Next one, informatique Computer science, informatique. In my time, computer science at school was so lame. Hey let’s learn to type stuff into wordpad. Les cours d'informatique. Computer science lessons. To have a degree in computer science. Avoir une licence en informatique. Next one. affaires Affaires, business, which in France can also be said as business. Les affaires sont les affaires. business is business. Next one. maths Maths, it’s the guy over here. Maths, I like Maths. J'aime les maths. I like Matt as well. He is fun. géographie Géographie, Geography. If you watched our previous French words, you should have learned Geography already. In geography you learn about the earth. En géographie on apprend des trucs sur la Terre. And it’s the end, so leave me a comment about what did you study and check the word list on the website for more stuff to study and we will see you next week, bye.