Tutorial Transcript
Hello! My name is Alisa. Welcome to 10 foods that will kill you faster. Bonbon “candy” Viele Kinder lieben Bonbons. “A lot of children love candy.” My favorite German candy is Maoam, I don’t know if you know it. It has different fruity flavors and it’s very yummy so if you go to Germany, you definitely get Maoam. Fertignudeln “instant noodles” In Deutschland gibt es ein Wort das heißt Studentenfutter und die Fertignudeln gehören dazu. “In Germany, there is a word called ‘students’ food,’ and instant noodles is one of those students foods.” Kartoffelchips “potato chips” Ich persönlich liebe Kartoffelchips. “I personally love potato chips.” You can actually make your own. I sometimes make my own. It’s very easy and it’s more healthy. So you cut them very thin, but in the round shape though so you just keep the potato as it is. And then you fry them and just put salt and if you want like other things, chili powder or whatever, and here we go, you have healthy potato chips. Margarine “margarine” The margarine “margarine” Germans actually love bread and they love margarine on bread with cheese and ham and marmalade. Actually Germans, it’s very common. They actually put margarine first and then Nutella on top, but it’s very good. Mikrowellen Popcorn “microwave popcorn” Mikrowellen Popcorn ist nicht sehr gesund, aber es gibt Alternativen. “Microwave popcorn is not very healthy, but there are alternatives.” My mom used to make popcorns all the time without the microwave and it's very easy. You just buy like a dried corn and just put it in the oven and wait until it pops, easy-peasy. Soda “soda” In Germany, there’s also Limonade “lemonade,” which is actually the healthier version, I think, of soda with a lot of lemon and people drink that. And it’s common actually in Germany like kids, when they are trying to earn money, they actually sell lemonade in front of the house. Soda ist nicht sehr gesund für den Körper. “Soda is not that healthy for your body.” Lemonade. Speck “bacon” Speck wird oft in Deutschland mit Spiegelei gegessen. “Bacon is usually eaten with sunny-side-up eggs in Germany for breakfast.” If it’s once in a while, I think it’s okay. Tiefkühlkost “frozen meals” Ich denke heutzutage, wenn du viel arbeitest, dann kannst du dir auch mal Tiefkühlkost gönnen. “I think nowadays if you work really hard and you don't really have time, you can once in a while treat yourself with frozen meals.” Bratwurst “grilled sausage” Deutsche essen sehr gerne Bratwurst. “Germans love to eat grilled sausage.” And it’s not very healthy I think because it’s like this grilled with oil with a lot of fat. Leberwurst “liverwurst” Leberwurst ist eine deutsche Spezialität. “Liverwurst is a German specialty.” It’s actually like a meat paste that you put in on top of your bread and it’s very fatty, too, because it has, like, all the pork and fatty pork in it, so it’s not very healthy as well. Thank you for watching the 10 foods that will kill you faster. Yeah, let me know what is your food that you would think is not healthy and will kill you faster, let me know in the comment and don’t forget to subscribe. See you soon! Bye!