Tutorial Transcript
Hello, and welcome! It’s Henrik again with a new session of GermanPod101.com. What we will learn today is must-know expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. Very important. You will have to agree and disagree often in your life, sometimes hard to choose agreeing or disagreeing, but the way you can do this, I’m going to teach you today. Let’s move! Number one Ich bin ganz Ihrer Meinung. “I couldn't agree more with you.” Apparently, a very strong expression for agreeing. In an argument, I don’t know, it’s good to use at work or family, friends, for any group of people, you could use this and there is a debate and you really strongly agree with one side then you totally can go for this, Ich bin ganz Ihrer Meinung. “I couldn't agree more with you.” If you’re not as certain and here we come for number two... Nun, ich bin nicht sicher. “Well, I’m not sure.” This is a way you kind of neither agree nor disagree. It’s something in between. If you really don’t know what’s right, what’s wrong, you could use this. It leaves it open so yeah, even if people ask you something in German maybe and you’re not sure how to answer because you maybe also didn’t fully understand the question, go for Ich bin nicht sicher. “I’m not sure.” At least, you don’t make a wrong decision you might regret later. Number three, easy one Natürlich. “Of course.” So for example if I ask you, “Do you like learning German with GermanPod101?” Your answer would be Natürlich. “Of course.” Number four Ich denke schon. “I guess so.” I would agree, but I’m not a hundred percent sure. You’re leaning towards one side, but don’t want to fully fall out of it. Ja, Sie haben Recht. “Yes, you’re right.” The way I imagine it of course is like if you’re in a dispute maybe with somebody then you want to admit okay he’s right for a thing, but then also bring on your own arguments or points. You can say “Yes, you’re right with this.” Ja, Sie haben Recht. And then put your own point. As easy as that! On the other hand, Sie liegen falsch! “You’re wrong!” That’s like if you really like arguing and want to say no, what you say is just completely wrong. Try it probably not to say it with this harsh German accent, Sie liegen falsch! That’s bad. That’s very expressive. Say it more like mine, Sie liegen falsch. Try to say it carefully so people don’t misunderstand it and wouldn’t think you just want to fight. Vielleicht. “Maybe.” Yeah, that’s a very vague answer for anything. It doesn’t really help anybody if you say vielleicht. Hey, do you come to my birthday party tomorrow? Vielleicht. Oh, do you want to go shopping with me next week? Vielleicht. See, it’s not like a very satisfying answer. Maybe sometimes, a good option if you don’t want to disappoint a person by disagreeing, but you also don’t want to agree so you just say vielleicht. “Call me maybe.” Ruf mich vielleicht an. Ich stimme nicht zu. Nein. “I don't agree. No.” That makes it really clear that you’re really not agreeing. It’s important to make your point clear. It’s important to not only agree for the sake of agreeing. Sometimes, you have a different opinion and then it’s important to stand up for yourself and say, “Hey, I don’t agree.” Ich stimme zu. “I agree.” Yeah, very easy, I agree, whatever you agree on. You can say, hey I agree. Ich stimme zu. Ich stimme zu. Nobody will complain about you agreeing. I agree sometimes I talk too much here, see? I hope you disagree. Das ist wahr. “That's true.” It’s like mom, even if you knew before or not, but wow, that person has a point. So I hope I could help you with it in this lesson. I hope you had fun. Leave your comments. Subscribe to the channel if you haven’t yet and then I see you next time! Tschau tschau! And don’t say maybe.