Tutorial Transcript
wanna speak real German from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at German pod 101.com hi my name is Anya welcome to German table words today we'll be learning five sentence patterns for beginners Nia is now Nia is now I feel like Nia is now I feel like Nia is not Kino Near East nah King I feel like going to the cinema but a more common way to say is you should have a list off or if you want to say it with a slang you can say it's a buck off anything each fibermesh up ish saga mesh up I wonder if it's Flag a mesh up I wonder if each fragment up on the Lyra thank you botanist I wonder if our teacher got sick yeah so translated it would mean I asked myself if our teacher got sick because you don't really say issue would endeavor which means wonder that's not a common way to say and German if you want to express that you're wondering about something a sadhana house us up sz2 dinar house as up it seems like a seat on our house as up it seems like a seat on our house as Papa / who acknowledged s Zeit Donna house as up especially convert it seems like it would soon start to rain Venice Na Nog inverter then esna Mia Guillen murder if it were up to me Venice now Miyagi inverter if it were up to me Venice nah me again verda addition length cocoon dished if it were up to me I would have already resigned so you you say it if you don't express that if no one has something against it or if I'm allowed to decide then I would do it like this in that Venice now me again verdict comes to me Amir you bomb at Salem canst do meeow meeow uber at selling can you tell me more about customer you BA at sellin can you tell me more about for example if someone went to New Zealand and you really want to go to New Zealand to some day and you want to learn more about the country then you can be like consume email about New Zealand at sea and about your journey in New Zealand cos yeah I'm really interested in I want to know about the places to go and the some places that you recommend so yeah that would be an example to use this phrase comes to me Mary Borges via at Ceylon canst do meeow meeow uber deutsches beer at sailing can you tell me more about German beer thank you everyone for watching this was our lesson for today five sentence patterns for beginners if you liked the video please subscribe to our Channel and make sure to like it also don't forget to check out our website German for 101.com see you in the next video