Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real German from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at GermanPod101.com. Hey, what's up, everybody? I'm Henrik. Welcome to a new episode of GermanPod101. Summer is coming in Germany, I'm not even wearing a jacket anymore, so our lesson today will be about 10 things to do in Germany in summer. Enjoy! Okay, first word for today is… ins Ausland reisen "to travel abroad" Ich reise gerne ins Ausland. "I like to travel abroad." We do love traveling abroad. am Strand entspannen "to relax at the beach" Am Strand kann man sehr gut entspannen. "You can relax very well on the beach." Yeah, I prefer doing active stuff outside, but for those who like to go to the beach, we have two beaches, or like two big beach areas up in northern Germany, so come here and relax at the beach. Number three, and that's a good one… Mit GermanPod101.com Deutsch lernen. "to learn German with GermanPod101.com" Mit GermanPod101.com Deutsch lernen macht viel Spass. "Studying German with GermanPod101.com is a lot of fun." Yeah! Cool thing is, you don't even need summer and good weather; you can do it all around the clock, all year long, whenever you want. It's amazing! Okay, number four for you guys. lernen wie man deutsches Essen kocht "to learn to cook German food" In Deutschland lernt man schnell wie man deutsches Essen kocht. "While in Germany, you can learn very quickly how to cook German food." Oh! I love food! Eating is one of the best things in the world, right? My favorites here in Germany are Currywurst, Bratwurst, Weißwurst, Thüringer Wurst, Mettwurst, Wurst “sausage.” With so many of them, come here and try it! Haveing just talked about sausages, so that raised my appetite; next one I'm going to give you accordingly. grillen "to have a barbecue" Im Sommer grillen wir am Strand. "We are going to have a barbecue on the beach in summer." Oh, I do love barbecues! And yes, we even have beaches here in Germany. So once you come here to have a barbecue on the beach, make sure you give me a comment, give me a call, I will be around. Number six… die ganze Nacht feiern "to party all night" Als ich noch jung war, habe ich öfters die ganze Nacht party gemacht. "When I was young, I often partied all night long." Yeah, I loved it! I still do, who doesn’t? Party all night. Right? Like some traditional German dancers for party all night. Number seven, not counting so much for me… sich bräunen "to get a tan" Ich bräune mich gerne im Sommer. "I like to get a tan during summer." Yeah… I don’t, honestly, as you see, I'm pale white. If I try to tan I will just look like a giant Red Lobster. Firing red. I'm half Viking. The next one is… wandern gehen "to go hiking" Wandertouren sind unterhaltsam und gesund. "Hiking tours are fun and good for your health." This is true, I do love hiking, and I'm going to show you something. Look around here, you see in the very back, you can guess there are some mountains. It's my hometown, that's Hartz mountains of Germany, there you can have a good hike. Number nine… in einem Teilzeitjob arbeiten "to work a part-time job" Während meiner Studentenzeit habe ich einen Teilzeitjob gemacht. "During my time as a student, I worked at a part-time job." If you don't feel like doing a part-time job, you could also be a full-time GermanPod101.com student, how about that? Number ten… mit Freunden Spaß haben "to have fun with friends" An Wochenenden habe ich immer Spaß mit Freunden. "On weekends I always have fun with friends." Remember number six? Die ganze Nacht feiern. Oh, yeah! I get the moves! Guys, that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed our session about 10 things to do in summer in Germany. If you liked it, subscribe to the channel. If you want to tell me more about what you do in summer, just leave a comment and then I'm going to see you next time! Tschau-tschau!