Tutorial Transcript
wanna speak real German from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at German pod 101.com okay hey everyone today we'll be talking about the five most popular German bands Rammstein Rammstein a hard rock band rammstein so ahem Stein Rammstein a hard rock band rammstein is an Internet Sunnah they're back enter Darja hot rock band rammstein is an internationally well known german hard rock back choke your hotel Tokyo hotel choke your hotel a rock band Tokio Hotel Tokyo hotel a rock band Tokyo hotel is an Adagio rock band it's five thousand ants calendared water Tokio Hotel East and a dark band it's five thousand ions Gugu endured water yes so I remember them they were very famous when I was a teenager and they had like all these 13 year old girls fans and yeah they are really crazy about them but yeah that's it look the app stir d else the add stir a punk band D AB stir a punk band the adds doesn't I need a back understand arch in punk rock bands the ads doesn't ina dare the Canton dodging punk-rock bands the ad stur is one of the best-known German punk rock bands yes so there are very long existing - they came out with this very famous song it's very old it was called Mena's and Shriner men are pigs and in when man Nazish - like yeah it was they were talking very bad about men yeah they became very famous with it so scorpions scorpions scorpions a rock band scorpions scorpions a rock band judo shankha is thus antiga constant amid lead desk opions the scorpions only constant member has been who drank up I don't know them that well I didn't even know they were a German band Modern Talking Modern Talking apartment Modern Talking Modern Talking a pop band DJ I became tab and modern char King potatoes D tubulin on tumors and us desire back enter band modern char King first and house D tubulin owned tumors and us the very famous and modern talking consisted of detail Boleyn and Tomas Alice D tubulin is actually one of the judges of Deutschland sucht den superstar which is similar to American Idol or singing competition show okay so these were the five most popular German bands if you have any German bands that you like let me know I'd be very curious about it don't forget to check out our website German pot 101.com see you in the next video