Tutorial Transcript
Hey! What’s up everybody? I’m Henrik. Welcome to a new episode of GermanPod101.com. Today, we’re going to do 10 phrases for surviving back to school, so I hope you enjoy the lesson. Well, the good old days, right? Let’s go! So start off with Rucksack “backpack” Er trug seine Bücher, Stifte und Papiere im Rucksack. “He carried his books, pencils, and papers in the backpack.” Yeah, see, I have still my backpack from my time at school. I used to have it since fifth grade, I think. To be really cool, I put this Rolling Stones tongue here. Yeah, you can see it already survived many years. Kind of broken by now, but it did a good job! Rolling Stones. Klassenkamerad “classmate” Sarah war meine Klassenkameradin in der Schule. “Sarah was my classmate at school.” I think that classmates are the most important in all the school time. I mean, of course, all the stuff you learn, but you will never get that much time with all your friends and your classmates like later on when you work. It’s difficult to keep in touch so if you’re still in school or college, appreciate having all your friends around you all the time. Unfortunately, this will not last forever. Hausaufgaben “homework” Ich mache jeden Tag nach der Schule Hausaufgaben. “I do homework every day after school.” Yeah, right. I wouldn’t do them before class. Of course, most of the homework is to be done at home, but I think all of you know that from time to time, little things are just done right in time before class. Prüfung “exam” Ich muss für meine Prüfungen lernen. “I must study for my exams.” Yeah, this is probably one of the parts people don’t miss so much about time at school or in college, the exam periods. Very stressful always. Study a lot, but come on, most people survive. Next one, Notizheft “notebook” Ich habe für jeden Kurs ein eigenes Notizheft. “I have a separate notebook for each class.” Looking here in my school bag, there is like a notebook. Let’s see. It’s even brand new, so always prepare for a new class right? What’s that? It looks like some boring notizheft here, and it says history. So yeah, I didn’t really have a separate notebook for each classes Everything mixed up in here, but, I don’t know if this is art. Yeah, it’s better if you have a separate notebook for each classes. It gets confusing if you mix everything in one. Okay, but let’s move on. Schule “school” Ich gehe jeden Werktag zur Schule. “I go to school every weekday.” Yeah, that’s what I did from Monday to Friday. Every weekday or workday, I went to school. I’ve heard when my parents were young, they even had to go to school on Saturday. That must have been awful times, so enjoy your living in the here and now. Next one, studieren “to study” Ich studiere Betriebswirtschaft. “I study business management.” Yeah, a very cliché, whenever you don’t know what to study, study business management. Even I, I studied business engineering, a little bit different, but still I wasn’t sure what should I choose so business always works. Well, if you’re more of a creative type, you should probably choose something else, it’s a lot about numbers, really. Next one... Es ist der erste Schultag. “It's the first day of class.” Yeah, some people love it. Most people hate it. Like, right now, someone right here, my little sister, she’s 14, still going to school. Being on holiday, of course, she’s already super sad thinking of the first day of classes. Other people are just like very happy to see all their classmates again. As I said earlier, that’s the coolest thing. You can see all your classmates again so don’t be too sad when it’s first day of class. Of course, holiday is nice, but it’s also cool to be around your friends all the time. Wir sind in der selben Klasse! “We're in the same class!” That’s like, you can imagine the time you’re going to school like there are new classes, you want to know, “Oh, he’s my best friend in class.” You look at the board and then, “Oh it’s me here and then my best friend is right next to me. Same class, woah, woah! We’re on the same class!” Yeah, that’s how I imagine the school kids to be happy about being on the same class with a friend. “Woah! Same class! Yey! Was ist dein Hauptfach? “What’s your major?” Yeah, going to college, probably this is the most asked question. First, what’s your name and then what’s your major. I think some people even ask what’s your major before asking what’s your name, so be prepared to know the sentence, to know the answer for this sentence. You’ll be asked this very often. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the lesson today. It was fun remembering back all those things back at school. If you have anything to say, leave a comment. Tell me what to improve. Tell me about your experiences back to school or what other sentences you want to know, you want to learn. Subscribe to the channel of GermanPod101.com and then I see you next time. Tschau tschau!