Tutorial Transcript
Hello! Welcome to German Weekly Words, my name is Alisa, and today's topic is housework. fegen "to sweep" Ich fege sehr selten. I hardly sweep. I don’t know. Nowadays I feel like there is vacuum cleaners. I guess outside more. herausbringen "to take out" In this case, the trash. Als Kind habe ich mich immer mit meinem Bruder gestritten wer den Müll herausbringt. As a child I would fight with my brother to see who would take out the trash. putzen "to clean" Ich liebe es zu putzen. I actually love cleaning. I just, I feel so good after, and I feel like I've done something. I really like to clean the house. trocknen "to dry" Es ist sehr üblich in Deutschland, dass man die Wäsche zum Trocknen raushängt anstatt einen Trockner zu benutzen. In Germany it is still very common to hang your clothes outside to dry instead of using the dryer. I really prefer that too, it just, it feels better and doing it's really sunny and hot outside, it dries quickly. wischen "to mop" We actually say Wischmop. Ich wische alle zwei Tage den Boden. I mop my floor every two days. I think it's fine if you have a dog, or people who don't know what i mean but they loose so much hair, and it's very important to clean. Thank you for watching and I hope to see you soon. What's your favorite task? Let me know in the comment. Bye! My dog was very scared when I would vacuum, it was very funny, he sees it as a monster or something, that probably looks like one for them through their eyes, it looks like this thing with a nose.