Tutorial Transcript
Welcome to German weekly words. My name is Alisa and today’s topic, months of the year. This is a interesting one [Februar] - “February”. Well I guess they all sound very similar. [Am 14. Februar ist Valentinstag.] - “On February 14 is Valentine’s Day”. I guess the difference with German is that you say the day before the month. [Dezember] - “December”. [Der Dezember ist mein Lieblingsmonat, weil Weihnachten ist.] - “December is my favorite month because of Christmas” and yeah, I think December is very like family time and Christmas and presents and it’s great time. [Januar] - “January”. [Mein Bruder ist im Januar geboren.] - “My brother was born in January”. [Juli] - “July” [Juli bedeutet für mich Sommer, Sonne, Strand und Meer.] - “ July means to me summers on the beach” and it’s such a – it just means like summer and everybody is going on vacation. It’s a very fun summer. [Mai] - “May”, most holidays happen in May in Germany, I don’t know why but when I was in school and university, that’s the month where I was very happy because I had a lot of time off. [Der Monat Mai hat sehr sehr viele freie Tage.] - “The month of May has a lot of free days”. I guess in Germany, it has to do with the church and their holydays I guess. Thank you for watching and what’s your birthday, what month or what’s your favorite month of the year and leave it in the comments and I hope to see you soon, bye!