Tutorial Transcript
Hello, welcome to German weekly words, my name is Alisa and today’s topic is Geography. It’s a very similar word in German [Geographie]. [Berg] - “mountain”. [In Deutschland, wo ich wohne, gibt es sieben Berge, das ist das Siebengebirge, was sehr bekannt ist.] - “In Germany where I live, it’s called The Seven Mountains and it’s very famous”. There are actually really seven mountains, I mean not like huge mountains but it’s very famous for walks and there is like hotels on the mountains and it’s a very cool city at the Rhine River. [Berg] is masculine and it is [der Berg]. [Feld]- “field”. It is neutral and it is [das Feld]. [Die Felder im Sommer sind sehr grün.] “the fields in the summer are very green”. Especially in the countryside in Germany, there is a lot of fields and you can go on walks and tours. [Fluss] river, it is masculine [der Fluss]. [Einer der berühmtesten Flüsse in Deutschland ist der Rhein.] - “One of the most famous rivers in Germany is the Rhine”. There is a lot of events throughout the year like fireworks, even a rock festival or skate festival. There is so many things at the Rhine to do and if you have a chance to go on the Rhine River with a boat, you should definitely do that too. [See] - “Lake”. [Im Sommer treffe ich mich gerne mit Freunden am See.] - “In the summer, I like to meet my friends at the lake” since where I live or Germany, there is not an ocean, you can go swimming or you can even go diving and sailing on big lakes. It is a made beach but you can go surfing and it’s for the younger generation so they have things to do. There is tons of lakes in Germany. [Hügel] - “hill”. [In Deutschland gibt es sehr viele Hügel, hab ich das Gefühl.] “I have a feeling that in Germany, there are so many hills”. I always rode the bicycle actually to go to school because it wasn’t that far. So I always remember where I live, there are so many hills, I just had to go always like up and down and it was so tiring but a good workout. Thank you for watching German weekly words with today’s topic, Geography. If maybe you have a cool or favorite place in Germany, a forest or maybe a cool desert you’ve been to or traveled to, leave in the comments and I hope to see you soon, bye!