Tutorial Transcript
Hello, welcome to German weekly words. My name is Alisa and today’s topic, crossing borders. This is an interesting one, I am excited. [Nationalität] - “Nationality”. [Meine Nationalität ist Deutsch.] - “My nationality is German”. [Reisepass] - “Passport”. I guess nowadays people do say a lot like pass or just [Pass] in German but [reisen] actually means travel. So it would translate as travel pass I guess [Ich bin zwar halb Japanerin aber mein Reisepass ist Deutsch.] - “Even though I am half Japanese, my passport is German.” [Visum] - “visa”. [Wenn man ins Ausland geht braucht man normalerweise ein Visum.] “When you go outside of your country, you usually need visa.” [Erklärungsformular] - “Declaration form.” [Bevor ich nach Amerika geflogen bin, musste ich auch ein Erklärungsformular ausfüllen beim amerikanischen Konsulat.] - “Yeah before I went to the States, I had to fill out a declaration form at the American consulate” in Germany. I was actually in Frankfurt. They asked me a lot of questions about why I want to go to the States and if I speak English and if I have friends there, that was one part of it. [Quarantäne] - “quarantine”. [Mein Hund musste zwei Wochen in Quarantäne.] - “my dog had to go two weeks to quarantine” and usually when you go to another country and you bring your animal, you have to bring it to the quarantine and then it has to stay there for – it depends on the country but usually like two weeks or longer. Thanks for watching and maybe you have an interesting experience with the words you just learned. Leave it in the comments and I hope to see you soon, bye.