Tutorial Transcript
Hello, welcome to German weekly words. My name is Alisa and today’s topic is food. [Bonbon] It’s “candy”. I think it’s a very cute word - [Bonbon]. [Als Kind durfte ich nicht viele Bonbons essen.] “As a child, I wasn’t allowed to eat a lot of candy” I think every child has that experience. Actually I went like this. With my pocket money and then I bought some. Next word [Brot] - “bread” [Ich finde das deutsche Brot ist das beste Brot auf der Welt.] “I think German bread is the best bread in the world.” I love German bread. [Kuchen] - “cake” [Ich liebe Apfelkuchen.] “I love Apple cake.” And would like Apple pie but I love when my mom makes Apple pie. [Meeresfrüchte] - “seafood” [In Japan sind Meeresfrüchte auch eine besondere Delikatesse.] “In Japan, the seafood is very – it’s a specialty”. Japan is surrounded by the ocean, just taste different. The next word [Lamm] - “lamb” [Lämmer sind viel zu süß um die zu essen.] “Lambs are too cute to eat.” Awww see!! Thanks for watching and on today’s topic food, leave your favorite food in the comments and I hope to see you soon. Bye.