Tutorial Transcript
Hello, welcome to weekly words, my name is Alisa and this week’s topic is hobbies. That’s a good one, yes let’s start [Briefmarken sammeln] and “collect stamps”. I actually did that a long, long time actually for a few years and I was really into it and I was really clean and neat about my stamps and they need to be really perfectly in order and I was very proud of my stamps and I was like imagining to become like really rich once. Yeah so [Als Kind habe ich gerne Briefmarken aus verschiedenen Ländern gesammelt.] - “as a child, I collected stamps from different countries” and would order them after country and yes, I was really into it and I still have them actually. [Schach spielen] - “play chess”. You know, sometimes I watch TV and this is like hard. I mean there is the competitions and I’ve never played it. So it’s interesting to watch but [Ich habe noch nie Schach gespielt.] - “I never played chess”. These are like really good hobbies. [tanzen] - “dance”, yes. Well I love to dance too, and either to go out or with friends and dance. When I was younger, actually my parents forced me to learn how to dance like Waltz and all this classical dance. So I had to do that I remember and I didn’t have that much fun actually but I had to. Yeah [Ich gehe gerne mit meinen Freundinnen tanzen.] “I like to go out with my friends dancing”. [Ein Musikinstrument spielen] “Play a musical instrument” [Als Kind habe ich auch ein Musikinstrument gespielt undzwar Klavier.] - “Yes as a child, I actually learned a few musical instruments”. One was the piano, the guitar. So we are now getting into the modern era. [Im Internet surfen] - “surf the internet”. Yes I do that for hours [Wenn ich im Internet surfe, dann kann das etwas länger dauern.] and “when I am surfing on the internet, I do that for hours” and I really enjoy it. Thank you for listening and what’s your favorite hobby. Leave in the comments and I hope you enjoyed it and tune in again, thank you!