Tutorial Transcript
Okay! Hi everyone. Welcome to Chinese weekly words. 欢迎来到 Chinese weekly words. This week, we are going to talk about Health Concerns. The first one is 出疹子(chū zhěnzi) 出疹子(chū zhěnzi) means "to have a rash" 我出疹子了. (wǒ chū zhěnzi le.) It's very simple. It means "I had a rash." It's past tense. Okay next one is 咳嗽(késou) 咳嗽(késou) is ..... "to cough" 他昨天咳嗽了一晚上. (tā zuótiān késou le yì wǎnshang.) "He coughed all night last night." 咳嗽(késou) Next one is 恶心(ěxīn) 恶心(ěxīn) means "nausea" 我一定是吃坏东西了,我觉得很恶心. (wǒ yídìng shì chī huài dōngxi le , wǒ juéde hěn ěxīn.) "I must have had some bad food, I feel nauseated." And next one is 痛(tòng) 痛(tòng) means "pain" 你哪里痛? (nǐ nǎlǐ tòng?) "Where are you hurting?" or "where do you feel the pain?" Next one is 痒(yǎng) 痒(yǎng) means "itch" 我脸上特别痒. (wǒ liǎn shàng tèbié yǎng.) "I feel itchy on my face.", "My face itches." Why my face itches? All right, that's the end. That's all we had, and we had health concerns this week. Hope you liked this video and I will be here with you next week 下周见! bye bye.