Tutorial Transcript
Hi everyone. 大家好,又见面了! Welcome to Chinese weekly words with Yinru and let’s find out what words we will have today. Okay this week, we will talk about home appliances. What do you use at home, home appliances. First one is 风扇(fēngshān) 风扇(fēngshān) is ”fan'' That’s nice of you! 太热了,我们把风扇打开好吗?(tàirè le , wǒmen bǎ fēngshān dǎkāi hǎo ma ?)''It's too hot, can we turn on the fan?'' OK下一个是:空调(kōngtiáo) 空调(kōngtiáo) is ”air conditioner'' 我家的空调是格力牌的。(wǒ jiā de kōngtiáo shì Gélì pái de.)''The brand of the air conditioner is my house is Geli (Gree).'' 下一个是:洗衣机(xǐyījī) 洗衣机(xǐyījī) is ”washing machine'' 洗衣机的声音很大,我睡不着。(xǐyījī de shēngyīn hěn dà , wǒ shuì bu zháo.)''The washing machine is very loud, I can't sleep.'' Next one is 吸尘器(xīchénqì) 吸尘器(xīchénqì) is ”vacuum cleaner'' I don’t think many Chinese family or Chinese homes use vacuum cleaners. 这个吸尘器是日本产的。(zhège xīchénqì shì Rìběn chǎn de.)''This vacuum cleaner is made in Japan.'' 下一个:冰箱(bīngxiāng) 冰箱(bīngxiāng) is ”refrigerator '' 我家有两个冰箱,一个大冰箱,一个小冰箱。(wǒ jiā yǒu liǎng ge bīngxiāng , yíge dà bīngxiāng , yíge xiǎo bīngxiāng.)'' we have two refrigerators in my house. And… one is a big one; one is a small one. A big refrigerator and a small refrigerator. '' Okay that’s the end. So we had home appliances today. I hope you like this video. Thanks for your nice comments. We will see you next week on Chinese weekly words. Bye bye 下周见!