Tutorial Transcript
Hi everyone. Welcome to Chinese weekly words and let’s see what we are going to talk about this week. Okay I like this because we are going to talk about fruits. I like fruits 水果 (shuǐguǒ). The first fruit is 樱桃(yīngtáo) 樱桃(yīngtáo) means ”cherry'' 樱桃很小很可爱。(yīngtáo hěn xiǎo hěn kěài.)''Cherries are small and cute.'' Next one is 橙子(chéngzi ) 橙子(chéngzi ) is ”orange'' 这些橙子特别甜。(zhèxiē chéngzi tèbié tián.)''These oranges are really sweet.'' 苹果(píngguǒ) 苹果(píngguǒ) is ”apple'' Probably I can say 你有苹果电脑吗?(nǐ yǒu píngguǒ diànnǎo ma ?)''Do you have an Apple computer?'' It’s also Apple but it’s not fruit. 下一个是:草莓(cǎoméi ) 草莓(cǎoméi ) means ”strawberry'' 我们下个星期要去摘草莓。(wǒmen xià gè xīngqī yào qù zhāi cǎoméi.)''Next week we're going to pick strawberries.'' Next one is my favorite, 西瓜(xīguā) 西瓜(xīguā) means ”watermellon'' 这个西瓜好大啊!(zhège xīguā hǎo dà a !)''This watermelon is so big!'' Oh okay that’s the end. So we talked about fruits today and I will see you next week on Chinese weekly words. 下周见! Bye bye.