Tutorial Transcript
Hello 大家好!欢迎来到 Chinese weekly words,我是Yinru。Okay we will have "clothing actions". Clothing actions. Hmm I am curious to find out what words we will have. 下一个是:洗(xǐ) 洗(xǐ) is a verb, meaning "to wash". 这条裙子需要用手洗。 (zhè tiáo qúnzi xūyào yòng shǒu xǐ.) "This dress needs to be hand-washed." 下一个是:穿上(chuān shàng) 穿上(chuān shàng) means "to put on", to put on." 穿上这件外套吧,外面特别冷。 (chuān shàng zhè jiàn wàitào ba , wàimian tèbié lěng.) "Please put on this jacket or coat. It's really cold outside." 织(zhī) 织(zhī) is like "to knit". 你会织毛衣吗? (nǐ huì zhī máoyī ma ?) "Do you know how to knit a sweater?" I don't. I don't know how to do that. 我不会织 (wǒ bù huì zhī). 缝(féng) 缝(féng) is "to sew" 我可以帮你缝一缝你的袜子。 (wǒ kěyǐ bāng nǐ féng yì féng nǐ de wàzi.) "I can help you sew your socks." I don't know if people do sew their socks nowadays or they just go get new ones. 不搭配(bù dāpèi) 不搭配(bù dāpèi) is – means not matching or it's "to clash". Aaa… 什么和什么不搭配…? (shénme hé shénmebù dāpèi...?) 很多人说红色和绿色不搭配。 (hěn duō rén shuō hóngsè hé lǜsè bù dāpèi.) "Many people think red and green clash, or they don't go with each other." Red and green. So that's all and we had clothing actions today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you next week. Bye bye 下次见!