Tutorial Transcript
Hello 大家好 welcome to Chinese weekly words. 大家好!blah! Blah! Blah! Hello 大家好!欢迎来到 Chinese weekly words with Yinru 大家好. What’s wrong with me? I said it twice. Hello 大家好!欢迎来到 Chinese weekly words with Yinru. This week, we will have – oh okay, the theme is at the office. 公司(gōngsī) 公司(gōngsī) means “company”. “Company”. 你在哪家公司上班?(nǐ zài nǎ jiā gōngsī shàngbān ?)''Which company are you working at?'' 下一个是:加班(jiābān) 加班(jiābān) means''overtime'' 加班(jiābān) 我这个周末我又要加班。(wǒ zhège zhōumò wǒ yòu yào jiābān.)''This weekend I have to work overtime again.'' So next one is 同事(tóngshì) 同事(tóngshì) is people who you work with, ''colleague”. 我的同事对我很好。(wǒ de tóngshì duì wǒ hěn hǎo)''My colleagues treat me nice.'' 下一个是:工资(gōngzī) 工资(gōngzī) is very important. It means ”salary'' 下个月什么时候发工资?(xià ge yuè shénme shíhòu fā gōngzī ?)''When are we gonna get our salary next month?'' 下一个是:退休(tuìxiū) 退休(tuìxiū) means ”to retire'' I want to retire now. Umm umm retire. 他的退休生活很精彩。(tā de tuìxiū shēnghuó hěn jīngcǎi.)''His retiring life is pretty good, it is wonderful.” Oh that’s the end, that’s the end. So we had at the office today. So I hope you like it and thanks for watching again. 我们下周再见! Bye bye. Yay another one!