Tutorial Transcript
Hello everyone. Welcome to Chinese weekly words, I am Yinru. 大家好,我是 Yinru, And this week, we will have... "Chinese Musical Instruments". Chinese Musical Instruments. The first one is 二胡(èrhú). I think in English, we just call it “erhu" because it is very Chinese instrument and the word 二 (èr) means "two" because the instrument has two strings. 二胡的声音很悲伤。 (Èrhú de shēngyīn hěn bēishāng.) Like, “The sound of erhu is very sad." 锣(luó). Okay, 锣(luó) is a very loud instrument. When you hit it, it makes a..... I don't... it's called "gong". 锣和鼓经常在一起演奏。 (Luó hégǔ jīngcháng zài yīqǐ yǎnzòu.) "Gong is always played with drums." Next one is 箫(xiāo). 箫(xiāo) is.... I think it's like... it's not a flute but it's played like this way... a long one... made of Bamboo. 经常在中国电影里面你会听到箫。 (Jīngcháng zài zhōngguó diànyǐng lǐmiàn nǐ huì tīngdào xiāo.) "You will often hear xiao in many Chinese movies." Next one, 琵琶(pípá). 琵琶(pípá) also in English, it's called Pipa because it's very Chinese there is no English equivalent I guess. It's like you play this way or this way. I don't know either this or this. You can ask someone 你会弹琵琶吗? (Nǐ huì dàn pípá ma?) "Can you play pipa?" Okay, 唢呐(suǒnà). 唢呐(suǒnà) is something like... I would say a trumpet kind of like thing. It's very Chinese again. Because we're talking about Chinese instruments. I was trying to remember if it's in a funeral or wedding. 在中国的婚礼上人们会吹唢呐。 (Zài zhōngguó de hūnlǐ shàng rénmen huì chuī suǒnà.)" "In Chinese weddings people play suona." Sometimes, in very traditional Chinese weddings. Oh yeah that's the end. All right, that's all for this week's weekly words. We have Chinese musical instruments. And I am Yinru and I will see you next week. Bye bye! 再见!