Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody Candace here welcome to ask a teacher where answer your most common French questions the question for this lesson is what are the main differences between written and spoken French written French and spoken French can seem completely different a lot of grammar is relaxed in spoken French so sometimes you might have trouble recognizing a phrase even if you already know it for instance abbreviations are extremely common in spoken French it goes beyond dropping the of sure in front of warriors such as J which is I have or Lenny which is the year among the most common spoken abbreviation is day for ta which means you are so instead of 2 usually for you cute you hear visuals similarly Chua you have is often shortened to da another common omission is the new in negative sentences in writing the correct way to say I have no money is Jenny padartha in casual spoken French you can just say ship Adaro here's another example soon epigraph means no problem or it's not a big deal spoken we usually say typical when people talk quickly it can even sound like sipping Java so you might not even here the see one more example is juniper meaning I can't can become you Papa but we can make it shorter and more casual by dropping the spewpa some grammatical structures are more common in spoken French - for instance questions are usually shorter and more direct instead of saying the fool Kiska tree effect for what did you do you probably hear tafiq WA which literally translates to you did what another common spoken sentence structure is adding a pronoun at the beginning for emphasis for example if you want to emphasize your personal opinion you could say washables literally that means me I think in English it's something like has for me here's another example if you're talking about your family's plans for the weekend you can add new for emphasis no news lu la plage us or us for Earth we're going to the beach there we go I hope that clears things up in another lesson we'll go over la vella which is a form of French spoken slang if you have other questions leave them in the comment and I try to offer them a gentle yes sir you