Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody can this here welcome to ask a teacher but I answer your most common French questions the question for this lesson is how do you use e and what are some common expression e is a pronoun that you can use to replace a noun it makes your sentence shorter and easier to say I'll read II usually replaces a location however there are a few different ways to use it for places e means there let's break it down with this sentence Jenna meekly stole a table maze a nice apprec-- that means I put my keys on the table but they're not there anymore that's easier than saying I put my keys on the table but they're not on the table anymore in this case the e in any simply refers to Sala table you can also use e for geographical locations say someone asks a tsukushi viper acidity meaning are you going to Paris this summer you can respond with either with Javel nuta yes I'm going there in August or no Geneva Peruvian no I'm not going there I'm going to London in the english translations e becomes the word they're replacing Paris we also use e with certain verbs that use the preposition it for example let's take paella which means to think about for the verb to think in English you'd normally use the pronoun it this is to refer to something you mentioned previously like I think about it in French we use e so I think about it is Rho V upon C or Java rafflesia and that's it in no the lesson will talk more about verbs that choose a versus verbs that use do if you have more questions please leave them in the comments and I try to answer them a gentle see you soon you