Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody Candace here welcome to ask a teacher well I am sorry must come on French questions the question for this listen is what our bond is Enosh bond destiny our comics and there are an important part of French culture friends has the third-largest comic book market in the world after us and Japan in fact B these are often called Luna Jima or the ninth art unlike typical comics which are usually funny or just for kids french biddies can be about almost any subject and for any age don't listen they are also a great way to improve your French since many are targeted to children you may already know some it should be noted that a lot of these beauties were made by Belgian authors Libba de Fuca bells are comics that are made from French and Belgian audiences because they shared the same language they often share comics as well here are some popular series you might want to check out Elizabeth Yoda Tonto or The Adventures of Tintin is a famous comic about a young detective his dog and his trench friends aesthetics is a funny series about goals resisting the Romans there's also the Smurfs or as they're known in France leashed wolf we are created in Belgium a more recent comic is Liu bruit in cool Ishod it was recently made into the film blue is the warmest color Persepolis is another recent Bondi see me about a girl growing up during the Iranian Revolution so if you want to improve your French try reading Bond destinies it will help you with French grammar vocab and torture while reading interesting stories that's it do you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and I try to answer them I don't see you soon