Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody can this year welcome to ask a teacher where I'll answer your most common French questions the question for this lesson is what are the types of questions in French and how do I met them there are three different question forms in French colonial standard and formal the colloquial form is the simplest you take a statement like Toronto shit wah or you're going back home and simply raise your tone at the end of the sentence to make it a question you want oh shit wha you're going back home because it's colloquial it's mostly used in casual conversational settings or between people who have a friendly relationship if you saw it written it might be part of a script or dialogue the Stoddard oral and written question form uses esker putting a secure at the beginning of a sentence indicates that it's a question for the previous example you'd say it's a Gujarati oh shit wha are you going back home you can use this tone that question structure in any sitting formal or casual writin ah spoken a variation of a secure is key secure with an abbreviated - in front it's basically the English what at the beginning of a sentence for example Kisco Mafalda ma means what are we doing tomorrow for other types of questions you can replace with pourquoi calm Oh for example contest gochujang when are you coming pourquoi is actually twist why is he sad or who escalated a where did she study lastly there's the formal question forum this is appropriate in very formal settings and in literary writing but will be pretty real in rural settings in this form you switch the verb and the pronoun around in this register you probably wouldn't be using too so in the previous example are you going back home it will be a hot ravu shavoo with the polite vous address another example is capital for what does he do or ablution ii which is a polite way to ask have you finished in the Eska form you would say kiss kiss fair and ask you solution the casual way to say what does he do would be ill fake wa and for have you finished it will be reservation but remember a secure is acceptable in most formal situations and the colloquial form is what you will be using in most casual situations so you shouldn't need to use the formal question for much okay that's it I hope that clarifies some things if you have other questions please leave them in the comments and I try to answer them a lot of season you