Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody Candace here welcome to ask a teacher but I answer your most common French questions the question for this lesson is what is lumen francophone in a nutshell lumen fuckathon is the French word or all the parts of the world where French of some form of French is spoken that's everything from other french-speaking countries in Europe like Switzerland Belgium and Luxembourg to French West Africa parts of South East Asia the French Caribbean past of North and South America as well as Quebec and some other provinces in Canada the main reason why French is so widely spoken across the globe is because of colonial history between the 17th and early 20th centuries France and other European countries established colonies around the world that doesn't mean that French sounds the same everywhere every place as its own dialects for example Haitian Creole is a language that's derived from French but mixed with other languages in West Africa French pronunciation as a local accent West African vocabulary rhythms and tonalities have merged with European French and France a popular Africa or FPA but the sound of French is different in every French African country there are also plenty of expressions normally used in other francophone countries that don't exist in France for example Saffy duro which literally means it's been two days but in burkina faso normally means it's been a long time since I've seen you just like language is deeply intertwined with culture though lumen francophone also goes a lot deeper than just shared language a lot of travel and cultural exchanges after and among women francophone a fun fact is that in an international competition like the World Cup countries in Lemont honkophone typically root for each other as long as they're not playing against each other it's a different kind of camaraderie that's really only found in Lemont conquer fun that's it for now did I answer your question if you have more questions please leave them in the comments and I try to answer them at the end see you soon