Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody Candace here welcome to ask a teacher but I answer your most common French questions the question for this lesson is when and how do you use on Oh is a pronoun that you used to replace a noun this is to make your sentences shorter and easier to say it's used in three ways first on can be used as a pronoun in place of uncountable nouns or indefinite plural nouns let's dive into some examples so you can learn how to use all correctly let's look at this short conversation one person says to a deeper meaning are you buying apples the other responds with Jonah shit a kilo meaning yes I'm buying one kilogram of them here all refers to the palm or apples it's simpler than saying we should include a poem yes I'm buying one kilogram of apples we also use on for a countable nouns like water du Loup or milk delay for example if someone asks you to vu du Loup meaning do you want some water you can reply with genre beyond message meaning yes I would like some thank you the second use of o is as a pronoun for verbs that use the preposition do for example I will only do meaning to feel like consider do to advise and sister will do to make us off so if a friend asks you to believe on a film do you want to go see a film but you're not really in the mood you can respond generally passages I don't feel like it the third way you can use R is as a preposition to describe something for example investing here is a leather jacket literally this is invest a jacket or career in leather here o is used to describe what the noun in this case jacket is made of another example would be if you ask a shop clerk at a clothing store the question excuse I visit vest on blue which means do you have this jacket in blue in this example o is used to describe the color of the jackets that's it for now I hope that makes more sense now if you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and I try to answer them aDNA - see you soon