Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody candice here welcome to ask a teacher but I answer your most common French questions the question for this lesson is how do you use adjectives as nouns in French we can omit the known and use the adjectives as the noun does that sound confusing let's do some examples let's say you're at a furniture store and you want to buy a chair if you're looking at a bunch of different colored chairs we can use lashes blue to refer to the blue chair however in this case with already mentioned the chairs and their colors so we can just say la blue which means the blue one by using an article with an adjective you can make it a noun in this case we used LA because lashes the chair is feminine then we added the feminine adjective blue to make lab Lu to stand for the blue chair likewise if you're discussing different colored hats you'll use the masculine noun chapeau that means we have to change la to the masculine article Lu and change blue to blur to match then if you would like to buy the blue hat you would say blue blue silver play the blue one please superlatives can also become nouns in French apart from the direct translation of the best which is Lumia or Lamia you can use any adjective plus an article plus either please for most or more for lists to make a superlative sentence please on its own means more but with an article it means most take lubricant for example Gras means big so Lu Prudhoe means the big one in general but if you said Luke home that means the biggest one similarly to please more means less on its own least with an article Limoges for example literally means the least fast one or more naturally the slowest it's important to note that because we use la in this sentence we know that we're talking about a feminine noun if we were talking about a masculine noun the sentence will be limited and mean the same thing and that's it was I able to answer your question if you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and I try to answer them identity you soon you you