Tutorial Transcript
Hi guys, I am Desiree and I am here with the top 25 Italian adjectives. Let’s go! Grande “big” My hand is big. La mia mano è grande. The world is big, it’s a big, big world. Il mondo è grande, molto, molto grande. Piccolo “small” I have a small dog. Ho un piccolo cane. but it’s not true. Do you have some animals? Dolce “sweet” I want a sweet now. Il gelato è molto dolce. Ice cream is really sweet. You can also use this adjective on people. You are a sweet person. Sei una persona dolce. Diverso “different” People should respect different ways of thinking La gente dovrebbe rispettare i diversi modi di pensare. In Italian, when you are discussing and you just want to say no, it sounds like bad, you can say No! E'diverso! no it’s different. Primo “first” I was the first in my class Ero la prima nella mia classe. and that’s why I didn’t have friends. No it’s not true. Ultimo “last” As the English, last but not least. In Italian, we have Ultimo, ma non meno importante. it means but not least important, remember. The last ones would be the first ones. Gli ultimi saranno i primi. Anziano “old” Oh my god anziano old. This word doesn’t really mean old because the word for old, it’s vecchio but you can say that referring to people. So if you are talking about someone that is older than you, you would say anziano. We should respect older people. Dovremmo rispettare gli anziani. Lascia il posto a quell'anziano laggiù. Give your seat up to that old person. Giovane “young” La cosa importante è avere uno spirito giovane. The important thing is to have a young spirit. He’s a young poet. E' un giovane poeta. Carino “pretty” Oh that child is so pretty Ooh, quel bambino è così carino what do you think of this dress? Cosa pensi di questo vestito? Umm yeah it’s pretty, Mmh, si, e carino. because it doesn’t really mean that something is fabulous but still it’s not bad. Bello “beautiful” That something that you really like. What a beautiful dress! Che bel vestito! what a beautiful woman Che bella donna! but be careful when you address something plural because it’s bei capelli beautiful hair or begli occhi beautiful eyes. Brutto “ugly” It’s something that you don’t like but it doesn’t really have to be just about appearance like what an ugly dress, Che brutto vestito! but also I got a bad mark would be Ho preso un brutto voto. Buono “good” You can use that for food of course. It’s really good, it’s really buono. Buonissimo! It’s the best or even for things. For example, I got my exams back and they are really good. Ho avuto i miei risultati e sono buoni. Cattivo “bad” The service was great but the food was bad. Il servizio era ottimo, ma il cibo era cattivo. or something like Cattivo cane! Cattivo cane! bad dog, bad dog. Bravo “capable” That means you really are able to do something, bravo! Bravissimo! It’s a bit childish maybe but still everyone likes it. Nuovo “new” Oh you got a new car. Oh, hai una macchina nuova. How much did you pay? Quanto l’hai pagata? I would really like a new laptop. Vorrei un computer nuovo. but yeah maybe for Christmas and after Christmas, you can say Happy New Year! Felice anno nuovo! Alto “tall” My brother is really tall. Mio fratello è molto alto. but it also means high. La mia voce è molto alta. My voice is really high, maybe. Basso “short” Mario gets mad if you call him short. Mario si arrabbia se gli dici che è basso. Basso also means “low”. So again my voice is low, La mia voce è bassa. Puoi alzare il volume? E’ troppo basso, non riesco a sentire. Can you turn up the volume? it’s still low, I can’t hear anything. Vero “true” means that something is not false, of course, so non è falso es vero. But you can also use it as an interjection. So to say yes, yes, if people is talking to you Perchè comunque la gente sai come fa… Mmh, vero, vero. Because you know people, how they do. Yea, True, true. That’s the way to use it. Aperto “open” E' aperto oggi il negozio? Is the shop open today? You can also use it to say open-minded, so - aperto mentalmente Chiuso “closed” Is the restaurant closed today? Il ristorante è chiuso oggi? Caro “expensive” Do you want to go to that shop? Vuoi andare in quel negozio? no it’s too expensive. No, e troppo (costoso) caro! But also you can use it to say dear like oh dear, Oh, caro! or to say Oh, poor you! Oh, caro! yeah there are a lot of ways. It depends on your intonation. Economico “cheap” Oh then, let’s go to the other shop. Allora andiamo nell'altro negozio. yes I like that way but that is so cheap. Si lo preferisco molto, e cosi economico. Difficile “difficult” Sometimes learning a new language can be difficult. Qualche volta imparare una lingua nuova può essere difficile. Maybe more than sometimes but don’t give up. Ma non mollare! We can do that together Possiamo farcela insieme. Facile “easy” E' più facile di quello che sembra. It’s easier than it seems, I hope and for me, it’s really easy to make new friends but they know that for someone maybe it seems so hard. So yeah it’s easier than it seems. E' più facile di quello che sembra. Divertente “fun” I thought the movie was really fun. Penso che il film fosse veramente divertente. I hope this is a fun video for you guys. Spero che sia un video divertente per voi ragazzi! Okay guys, that’s the end. Thank you for watching me with the top 25 Italian adjectives. See you soon. Ciao, ciao.