Tutorial Transcript
wanna speak real Italian from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at Italian pod 101.com hi guys welcome to italian pod 101.com my name is ilaria nice to see you or nice to meet you well today we are going to talk about love hmm the 10 most romantic ideas for a date in Italian one of the most romantic languages in the world not because it's my language yeah anyway so let's start guys China Alameda Candela candlelight dinner China Alameda Candela candlelight dinner person Valentino non check me and a DP romantic o.k macchina a new midi Candela on Valentine's Day there's nothing more romantic than a candlelight dinner candlelight dinners are very special times for couples you know for people that they love each other you know it does create actually a very very romantic atmosphere so it's just a perfect thing you know to celebrate the love especially during the love Day Valentine's Day and refr even opposite jata to go for a walk and daria far even opposite jata to go for a walk adora under fr una pajara ditching all mari Kula me a feelin SATA i love going for a walk by the sea with my fiance and if you want like to ask like a girl to get you know to to go for a stroll for a walk with her you can say boy fari una passage article man which means would you like to go for a walk with me so boy and refr una passage are Takumi under L opéra to go to the Opera under an opera to go to the Opera me pious Arab and our elope and a Kunta Sabha - Sara I'd like to go to the Opera with you on Saturday night Gandhari Alonso to go to the zoo and Ari Alonso to go to the zoo company ATO in your Agard so Alonso avid era panda I went with my boyfriend to the zoo to see the pandas Farren picnic to have a picnic Farren picnic to have a picnic Valen Valen picnic in Montaigne nel próximo fin settimana we would like to have a picnic on a mountain next weekend picnics are also very romantic because a picnic actually involves also that you prepared food for the person so or you can your might preparing the food together which makes it more special you know maybe you are the boyfriend or potential partner and you want to prepare the food and you want to surprise them so you say and yam of our own picnic you know anymore which means like would you like to go for a picnic and when you actually get there you know you prepare your food and she will be like very delighted about this shonali everyday room filmer to have a dinner and see a movie shonali everyday room film to have a dinner and see a movie channel every day roof in Conte la receta / Macerata perfecta having a dinner and seeing a movie video is the recipe press the recipe for a perfect night something very sweet to say pharyngeal intra ghetto to take ferry ride pharyngeal intra ghetto to take ferry ride / la luna de la pharyngeal intra ghetto LUMO tutta la laguna de venecia for the honeymoon we will take a ferry ride along the entire Venice lagoon spots on idea by the way also nice because it should be something really nice too to see for a honeymoon and garden because what were commonly if you haven't behaved you have never been there they're really really nice and romantic places because also because of the nature and the building saw is like a combination of very nice things combined re sulla spiaggia to walk on a beach caminar a sulla spiaggia to walk on a beach la Sierra CPR chica mean Alice Willis Piazza world and all tramonto in the evenings we like to walk on the beach watching the sunset so sunset is something truly amazing especially because of his colors you know because the the sky really becomes like full of colors for during the sunset so if you if you imagine you know the scene of you and your loved one and you know just staring and his amazing sky is pretty romantic frequent re in Corsa pitcher Anika to take a pottery class frequent re in course of nature Anika to take a pottery class okano Sciuto mia moglie frequent and in Corsa teacher Amica I met my wife taking a pottery class or i if you met her presence at the supermarket you say hakuna shoe to me Amalia and Ando and super Mercato or I don't know I met my wife let's say during my my my my way to work you know you say oh oh oh shoot oh mia moglie meant restaurant a lot of work and are in musio to go to the museum and darin musio to go to the museum for a invitar tea ordinary semanas a Chiba I'd like to invite you to go to the museum would you like to go you can use Bora invitar tea I'd like to invite you for many different context you know like Bahrain be tardy I'll cinema I would like to invite you to the cinema or also I'd like to invite you for a walk Verlaine vita t FR e una passeggiata t ba would you like to so you can actually use this this phrase more and eternity and combine it all for the different context that you want training and with this very nice very nice sentences we reach the end of our lesson thank you very much guys for listening as usual please subscribe comment let us know what you want to know in our nice Italian language and that's all from Italian port 101.com malaria here thank you very much take care guys bye bye the next time bye you