Tutorial Transcript
Ciao ragazzi! Hi, guys! I’m Desiree. Welcome to 10 ways to remember words. Associo parole nuove con parole che suonano simili nella mia lingua madre. “I associate new words with words that sound similar in my native language.” Okay for example, yeah, we have with English and Italian, a lot of words that are similar. for example, lingua/linguaggio “language”. Cerco di usare la lingua abitualmente nel contesto della vita quotidiana. “I try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life.” Let’s say you’re washing the dishes and you think, “Oh, how do I say ‘washing the dish’ in Italian?” And then you start thinking about how to say lavare i piatti. Just think about the things that you’re doing and how you would explain them in the new language. Dico parole ad alta voce in modo che io possa davvero sentirle. “I say words out loud so that I can actually hear them.” This is a great thing to do. My problem with English, especially in the beginning, I didn’t really talk English. I didn’t speak that with anyone and that was a problem and still now. Maybe if I hear a word, I know what it means, but then when I have to say that, I’m not sure about how to pronounce that. So yeah, practice to say words out loud. Guardo spesso i video in TV o su YouTube che sono stati progettati per i bambini. “I often watch TV or YouTube videos that are designed for young children.” Yeah, this is a great way because, for example cartoons, so things that are for children, they make you understand what they’re doing without saying that. Also, you should try watching something that you watched already so you can understand how to say the same thing that you already know in the new language that you’re studying. I would do that. Imparo l'origine delle parole e come le diverse parole sono legate le une alle altre. “I learn about the roots of words and how words are related to each other.” For example, parole in Italian “words”, and parlare “speak”, it’s the same root, same origin, same tradition, we would say. Par - parole; par - parlare. Io uso le ripetizioni, leggere, scrivere e pronunciare le parole più e più volte. “I use repetition, reading, writing and speaking words over and over again.” Be careful with repetitions because, for example to me, after I repeat a word, a lot of time, I’m like, “Does this word really exist?” I’m not sure anymore about the word itself. So yeah do that, but maybe with a lot of words, not just one per time, keep them, read them somewhere. So even later, you can check if you know the words and actually see your improvements. Parlo il più spesso possibile con i madrelingua. “I speak as often as possible with native speakers.” Maybe also if they don’t correct you because they’re not teachers or because they just want to talk, it’s still useful to see if they at least understand what you’re trying to say. So don’t worry about mistaking because it’s okay and be careful not to switch to another language just because it’s easier. Keep focused on using the new language. Provo a pensare in italiano così che diventi naturale. “I try to think in Italian so it becomes natural to my thought process. I would advise you to do that at the end of the day, like, trying to think in the new language about what you did today. “In order to go to school, I was waiting for the bus.” Per andare a scuola stavo...il bus. What’s “waiting” again? And you don’t remember, you can check it, write it down, you would remember faster. Aspettando, by the way. If you want to know, stavo aspettando. Ascolto canzoni e memorizzo i testi. “I listen to songs and memorize the lyrics.” This is a good thing to do because sometimes when you’re listening to songs, maybe you don’t really understand what they’re saying so it’s good to search for lyrics. Try to sing along with them the next time you hear the song so you see if you really learn the word. But sometimes in songs, singers use words or expressions that we don’t use in daily life. Be careful about that, but still it’s a great exercise. Cerco di usare la parola nuova in una frase semplice così imparo frasi intere e non solo singole parole. “I try to use the new word in a simple sentence, so I learn whole phrases and not just individual words.” When you learn a word, let’s say for example “telephone”, you can think about a phrase, “I use the telephone to call my friends.” Uso il telefono per chiamare i miei amici. And if you think about something in particular like “I use the telephone to call my cousin.” Uso il telefono per chiamare mio… you can search for that word too so you will learn another new word. If you’re wondering, “cousin” is cugino. It was the last of our 10 ways to remember words. Tell me which way is yours. Of course everyone has a personal way so tell me which is yours and if you have any advice, comment, and remember to subscribe, Ciao, ciao! Bye-bye! Keep focused on using the new language.