Tutorial Transcript
Hi, guys! My name is Ilaria. Nice to meet you. Welcome to ItalianPod101.com. Today, we’re going to see the 10 things to do in summer in Italy. So let’s start! viaggiare all'estero “to travel abroad” Quest'anno voglio viaggiare all'estero e ho prenotato per andare in Italia. “For this year, I'm going to travel abroad, and I booked to go to Italy.” And I really hope that you did book a travel to Italy because it’s such an amazing place to visit. So diverse its territory so you will be pretty amazed by it. rilassarsi in spiaggia “to relax at the beach” Non vedo l'ora di essere in agosto nel sud Italia a rilassarmi in spiaggia. “I can't wait to spend August in Southern Italy to relax at the beach.” imparare l'italiano con ItalianPod101.com “to learn Italian with ItalianPod101.com” Passerò l'estate ad imparare l'italiano con ItalianPod101.com. “I'm going to spend the summer learning Italian with ItalianPod101.com.” And by the way, you can actually use our videos meanwhile you travel in Italy, you know. You can relax at the beach and combine your process of learning Italian wherever you are basically, you know. So you can just - you wouldn’t lose your progress basically, you know. It might be also useful to interact with the people. imparare a cucinare cibo italiano “to learn to cook Italian food” Io e le mie amiche impareremo a cucinare cibo italiano in un corso in Italia. “My friends and I will learn to cook Italian food in Italy.” It might take some time I’m telling you guys because Italian food is like a universe so you have like so many things. Every region in Italy has its own typical dishes and flavors. Very interesting about the history as well of Italian food. fare un barbeque “to have a barbecue” A ferragosto faremo un barbeque in spiaggia. “On August 15th, we will have a barbecue at the beach.” This date, August 15th, is a national holiday in Italy so everyone is partying all day basically so it’s pretty much an amazing date for Italian people. festeggiare tutta la notte “to party all night” Festeggeremo tutta la notte tra discoteche e bar. “We will party all night at discos and bars.” You can actually say as well in Italy, if you want to go to dance in a club, you say ‘Andiamo a ballare?’ which means like “Are we going to dance?” It’s more like let’s go dancing. abbronzarsi “to get a tan” Voglio abbronzarmi passando in spiaggia tutte le più belle giornate di sole. “I want to get a tan, spending all the most sunny days at the beach.” Don’t forget to put sun protection because Italian sun is really, really, really strong. fare escursioni a piedi “to go hiking” Quando saremo sulle montagne in Umbria faremo escursioni a piedi. “We'll go hiking on the mountains in Umbria.” Umbria is one of the Italian regions so you can actually go hiking pretty much everywhere in Italy. fare un lavoro part-time “to work a part-time job” Per pagare la mia vacanza farò un lavoro part-time in una delle stupende città d'arte in Italia. “To pay for my holiday, I'll work a part-time job in one of Italian’s stunning art cities.” This might be very interesting to you if you like art and history as architecture because Italy is so full of history. And you can actually combine your stay and you can actually also volunteer in some museums, art cities. There are so many things actually that you can do. divertirsi con gli amici “to have fun with friends” Ho intenzione di divertirmi con i miei amici al mare o in città. “I'm going to have fun with my friends by the sea or in the cities.” If you want to combine the two, you can choose like a city which is close to the sea to a seaside place or you can choose a seaside place which is like a city and you can actually combine both. So this is actually the end of our lesson. We’ve reached the end. Thanks very much for listening. Please subscribe, watch our next lesson and we will be always happy to give you more insights of our Italian language. So thanks very much for listening, guys. Take care and have a nice day! Bye!