Tutorial Transcript
Hi, guys! Welcome to ItalianPod101.com. My name is Ilaria. Nice to meet you. Today, we’re going to talk about 10 must-know autumn vocabulary, of course, in Italian. So let’s start! maglione “sweater” Come ogni Natale la nonna mi ha regalato un maglione rosso. “As for every Christmas, my grandma gave me a red sweater.” Right. It’s actually, you know, the Christmas color so everybody used to wear red dresses or red sweaters in Italy also and it’s quite common if someone gives you as a present something which has the red color in it. piovoso “rainy” In Italia ottobre è sempre un mese piovoso. ”In Italy, October is always a rainy month.” Right, it’s actually true; October and November are really kind of rainy. Autumn is quite a rainy season as the beginning of the springtime as March is another month in Italy that is usually kind of quite rainy. Not very much, but comparing to the other months of the year, it definitely is. ventoso “windy” Le località ventose sono perfette per gli sport d'acqua. “Windy places are perfect for water sports.” In Italy, we practice a lot of water sports within the coasts, on lakes and it’s quite common, I mean, on seaside places or the lake places. There are a lot of people doing windsurf of kitesurf or this kind of things. fresco “cool” L'autunno è una stagione ancora fresca. “Autumn is still a cold season.” Which is true. I mean it really depends. On the south of Italy for instance is really hot, but in the north, you might find it very cold in autumn. At the beginning of autumn as well like October which is not really the case of the south of Italy. autunno “autumn” La mia stagione preferita è l'autunno per via dei colori delle foglie. “My favorite season is autumn because of the colors of the leaves.” And it’s actually my point because autumn is like kind of special time for nature where leaves are changing their colors so you can see like valleys and hills that it just changes the color and it becomes like reddish, yellowish, you know. It’s like an amazing combination of colors. castagna “chestnut” Adoro le castagne arrosto. “I love roasted chestnuts.” Roasted chestnuts are like a very common thing that you can find on the streets in Italy. You’re in the autumn time. They’re delicious. camicia con le maniche lunghe “long-sleeved shirt” Mia madre mi ha comprato una camicia a maniche lunghe perfetta per questa stagione. “My mother bought a long-sleeved shirt for me, which is perfect for this season.” Ringraziamento “Thanksgiving” Per i miei amici statunitensi festeggiare il giorno del Ringraziamento in famiglia è molto importante. “For my American friends, celebrating the Thanksgiving day with families is very important.” Actually, Thanksgiving is not really something that we have in Italy the same way. We usually celebrate the 24th as well of December or 25th as well in Christmas day, but it’s kind of different celebration even though actually, you know, it’s the same because we use to reunite with our families and to spend more time with families as well. Halloween “Halloween” In Italia preferiscono mascherarsi per Carnevale più che per Halloween. “In Italy, people prefer to wear a costume for Carnival than for Halloween.” True, but nowadays, I mean lately we really get into this kind of feeling, you know, like costume stuff. In Italy, I mean we used to change costume and, you know, to try things like that during carnival time. It’s very true, but also lately, Halloween is starting to be a common thing in Italy as well. foglia “leaf” Leri ho raccolto una foglia dalla forma davvero particolare. “Yesterday I found a leaf in a very particular shape.” And with this sentence, we actually reached the end of our lesson. Thanks very much for listening. Please comment, subscribe, watch our next videos. We will be always be happy to answer any question you might have so please do. Thanks very much again guys. Bless and take care of yourself. Bye-bye!