Tutorial Transcript
Ciao ragazzi! Hi guys! I’m Desiree and today we're gonna learn the 10 hardest words to pronounce, I hope I can manage somehow. aiuto "help" It is a really helpful world because you can ask for help, for example, Aiuto! Sono chiuso dentro al bagno. “Help! I'm locked inside the bathroom.” You're not dying and you don't need help quickly, you just want to ask if people can help you, that would be aiutare Puoi aiutarmi per favore? “Can you help me please?” chiacchierare "chat" The most common error mistake would be Chiacchiarare instead of chiacchierare. cinque "five" "In one hand, there are five fingers." Ci sono cinque dita in una mano. uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque. ghiaccio "ice" Be careful because if you don't pronounce G as a hard sound like /G/, it would be giaccio, it's a verb and means “lie down”. Vuoi del ghiaccio nel tuo drink? "Do you want some ice in your drink?" A word that you can hear a lot especially in summer is ghiacciolo, it's an ice stick, I like them a lot, because it's so hot, and some ice, flavored ice, is great. già "already" Già has two meanings, first one “already” Sono già le sette. "It's seven already.” To express consents, it would be, like, Oggi fa proprio caldo. “Today it's really hot.” Già. “Yeah, really, indeed.” Another example would be Hai già finito? “Did you finish already?" lasciare "leave" "I left my key on the table.” Ho lasciato le mie chiavi sul tavolo. Yeah, another meaning would be “break-up”, for example, “I don't want to break-up with my boyfriend.” Non voglio lasciare il mio ragazzo. “When I go jogging, I leave my wallet at home." Quando vado a correre, auando vado a jogging, lascio il portafogli a casa. Quando vado a correre, lascio il portafogli a casa. pèsca "peach" Yeah, for example, "I ate a peach.” Ho mangiato una pesca. Il tè alla pesca è il mio preferito. “Peach tea is my favorite." pésca "fishing" pésca You don't open your mouth like pèsca, but pésca; and this one is the hobby you can have, for example, "I really enjoy going fishing.” Mi piace molto andare a pesca. So the difference would be pèsca and pésca. Mangio pesce più volentieri che andare a pesca. “I enjoy eating fish more than fishing." segno “sign; mark; stain; signal“ Here the difficulty is probably the sound GN that you can practice with gnomo, for example, that is “elf; gnome”. Hai lasciato il segno. "You really left a mark.” “You really impressed them.” It's something that you would say. Yeah, segno has many meanings in English. Un segno sul muro. “Stain on the wall.” “Give me a signal." Fammi un segno. Be careful not to say segnio, but segno, because there's no I. And basically in Italian there is not a word with both I and O after GN. That was the last of our 10 had this words to pronounce. I hope I was able to give you some advice, if you still have questions or if you still have words that you're not sure about how to pronounce, please write it down and remember to subscribe. Ciao ciao! Bye bye!