Tutorial Transcript
Hi there! Привет всем!(Privet fvem)! My name is Katyusha and I am here for you with 15 favorite words chosen by you, our fans. Thank you so much. So let’s begin and have a look what kind of words you’ve chosen. Now, ta-da! дорогая (daragaya) "darling" As the word darling, you can say when you are referring to someone as your girlfriend or your, like dearest friend who is female. Your mother, your sister, one is for girlfriend and one is just for dearest woman in your life. It doesn’t mean you are dating your mother which is awkward uhh I mean. Darling, could you pass me the bread? Дорогая, подай пожалуйста хлеб. (Daragaya, poday pozhaluysta khleb.) есть (yest') "to eat" Что ы вас есть поесть? (Chto y vas yest' poyest’?) ”What do you have to eat?” So in Russian language, it’s going to be confusing because есть (yest’) "to have something", and есть (yest') "to eat something" has a similar pronunciation. So be careful. I guess our fans are worried about eating. It’s very important in Russia. Жили-были (zhili-byli) "once upon a time" So well, it’s used only in fairy tales. As soon as fairy tale story starts, you will always see, once upon a time Жили-были (zhili-byli), grandmother and grandpa, They had a cute baby whatever. Здравствуйте (zdravstvuyte) "Hello" Hello everyone… Every time you see someone you don’t know, you just say Здравствуйте! (zdravstvuyte), or Здравствуйте (zdravstvuyte). колокол (kolakal) "bell" So it’s big bell, колокол (kolakal). So you ring the bell for religious people to come to church or you ring the bell when something is wrong so people can hide in the church in all times. Now I am not sure if we still do that. But maybe some churches still do that. So yes, the bell. "Ring the bell" Позвонить в колокол (Pozvonit' v kolokol). кошка (koshka) "cat" A male cat will be Кот(Kot), and a female cat will be Кошка(Koshka). Sounds very cute, you can say Я люблю кошек (Ya lyublyu koshek) “I love cats” Кот(Kot), Кошка(Koshka). Ta-da! люблю (lyublyu) "love" We can say Я люблю кошек. (Ya lyublyu koshek) “I love cats.” люблю пирожное. (lyublyu pirozhnoye.) “I love cakes." Я (ya) "I" “I don’t like drinking vodka.” Я не люблю пить водку. (Ya ne lyublyu pit' vodku.) So you start with Я (ya), and then everything else. Now you should try. мир (mir) "world" The world is big, Мир огромен(Mir ogromen) or Мир большой (Mir bol'shoy). навсегда (navsegda) "forever" “Let’s be friends forever” Давай будем друзьями навсегда. (Davay budem druz'yami navsegda.) I don’t know if you have the sign when the friends want to stay longer together and keep to each other, they usually do like this. надежда (nadezhda) "hope" Actually it is one of the female Russian names надежда (nadezhda). In short, it is Надя(nadya) and if we talk about the word, then it means “hope”. For example you can say Надежда умирает последней (Nadezhda umirayet posledney) “Hope never dies” or in Russian, we say “hope is the last thing to die”. So which means there is always hope, right? прикольно (prikol'na) "awesome" If you got promoted, I can say Прикольно!(prikol'na!) I think it’s mostly used between like maybe younger generation. The older generation doesn’t really use it much because it’s like a slang. It’s not really dictionary word. So – but if you use it, people will know what you mean. They will think, wow! This foreigner knows his words. It’s cool, прикольно (prikol'na). СССР - Союз Советских Социалистических Республик (SSSR - Sayuz Savetskih Satsialisticheskih Respublik) "USSR -The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" СССР. Try that, СССР. Okay that’s too fast, sorry guys. Союз Советских Социалистических Республик (Sayuz Savetskih Satsialisticheskih Respublik) We don’t use it anymore. Only like you can hear from fathers or mothers still discussing the past. For example, you can say, oh I’ve heard about USSR before. Да, я слышала о Союзе Советских Социалистических Республик. (Da, ya slyshala o Sayuz Savetskih Satsialisticheskih Respublik.) хорошо (harasho) "good" Хорошо что ты знаешь о Союзе Советских Социалистических Республик. (Khorosho chto ty znayesh' o Sayuz Savetskih Satsialisticheskih Respublik.) “It’s good to know about USSR.” Cool, прикольно (prikol'na)! хорошо (harasho). Let’s move to another word, okay. Это вам не хухры-мухры (eto vam ne huhry-muhry) “It's big deal" And I didn’t hear it much recently but it will be really funny if Russian person would hear it from a foreigner. It will make them laugh I think really. It’s very cute. I wouldn’t take it seriously if somebody told me that. Это вам не хухры-мухры (eto vam ne huhry-muhry) So thank you for being with me Katyusha, and keep in touch and stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribe! пока пока (paka-paka).