Tutorial Transcript
Привет всем!(Privet fvem)! Hello everyone, and it’s me, Katyusha, with you, and 10 Phrase You Never Want to Hear. Now, let’s hear it! Вы прибавили в весе в последнее время? (Vy pribavili v vese f pasledneye vremya?) "Have you gained weight recently?" Вы прибавили в весе в последнее время? (Vy pribavili v vese f pasledneye vremya?) "Have you gained weight recently?" Oh! Snap! Вы уволены. (Vy uvoleny.) "You are fired." Вы уволены. (Vy uvoleny.) So, Вы уволены. спасибо. (Vy uvoleny. Spasiba.) “Thank you. You’re fired.” Дело не в тебе, а во мне. (Dela ne f tebe, a va mne.) "It's not you, it's me." Ты пойми, дело не в тебе, дело во мне. (Ty paymi, dela ne f tebe, dela va mne.) "Darling, understand, it's not you, it's me." You don’t want to hear that, just leave. Извини, я забыл. (Izvini, ya zabyl.) "Sorry, I forgot." "Darling, it was my birthday yesterday!" Дорогой, это был мой день рождения вчера. (Daragoy, eta byl moy den' razhdeniya vchera.) Извини, я забыл. (Izvini, ya zabyl.) "Sorry, I forgot." Нам нужно встречаться с другими людьми. (Nam nuzhna fstrechatsa s drugimi lyud'mi.) "We should see other people." It's like, if you should see other people, you know, you should see, so you just see them. But if somebody else tell you to see, you should see someone else, and it's kind of like, why, why you think for me, I know what I need, so you can go meet other people, I’m fine. Нам нужно поговорить. (Nam nuzhna pagavarit'.) "We need to talk." Sorry it just makes me laugh. It happens, this kind of SMS, or mail, or on the phone. Нам нужно поговорить. (Nam nuzhna pagavarit'.) "We need to talk." Which means it's not going to be a good conversation. Сегодня я не могу отдать тебе деньги. (Sevodnya ya ne magu atdat' tebe den'gi.) "I don't have your money today." Ну, понимаешь, сегодня я не могу отдать тебе деньги. (Nu, panimayesh', sevodnya ya ne magu atdat' tebe den'gi.) "You know, well, I don't have your money today." I know it's been six months already since I borrowed, but, Сегодня я не могу отдать тебе деньги. (Sevodnya ya ne magu atdat' tebe den'gi.) I heard that a lot. У вас седой волос. (U vas sedoy volas.) "You have a grey hair." you have a grey hair, like, you panically start to look in the mirror and try to find it. Where, where, where is the grey hair, You know? I hate it when people say that. Я же говорил (Ya zhe gavaril)(m) Я же говорила (Ya zhe gavarila)(f) "I told you so." Я же говорил (Ya zhe gavaril), or Я же говорила (Ya zhe gavarila), "I told you so." In English you cannot really see who is saying, woman or man but in Russian, you should say it, you should change the verb in the end, so men would say Я же говорил (Ya zhe gavaril), and women would say Я же говорила (Ya zhe gavarila). Be nice! But please don't say it to anyone else. Я съел твое мороженое. (Ya s'yel tvaye marozhenaye.) "I ate your ice-cream." Я съел твое мороженое. (Ya s'yel tvaye marozhenaye.) "I ate your ice-cream." Oh my god! "Who ate my ice-cream?" Кто съел моё мороженое? (Kto s'yel mayo marozhenaye?) Я съел твое мороженое. (Ya s'yel tvaye marozhenaye.) Yeah, you don't want to hear that. You could use it with chocolate, with cake, anything you like to eat. I know how it feels and I feel your pain. I hope you enjoyed our 10 Phrases You Never Want to Hear. Now I have a lot of patience with the Russian language and Russians. And stay subscribed to us, and subscribe if you haven't subscribed yet. пока пока (paka-paka)!