Tutorial Transcript
[Ciao tutti] Welcome to Italian weekly words. This is Ilaria and today’s theme is... Look at me, look at me, "drinks". First drink is something I don’t drink even if I am Italian. It’s [caffè] - “coffee”. [Non mi piace il caffè.] “I don’t like coffee”. “What should I do?” [Che posso fraci?]. It’s very rare actually. Italian people always love to have their coffee in the morning. So next one is "beer". Another thing I don’t drink. In Italian, it is [birra]. Be careful with the pronunciations. [Normalmente con la pizza si beve la birra.] “Usually in Italy, with pizza, you drink beer.” That’s like almost a set. Everyone wants to do that or coke probably. Nice... [succo di frutta] - “fruit juice” [Quando sono a casa preparo spesso succhi di frutta freschi.] “When I am home, I often make fresh fruit juice”. Paradise! [Paradiso!] [latte] - “milk” [Non mi piace il latte caldo.] “I don’t like warm milk.” [tè] - What is it? "Tea", my favorite drink probably on earth. [Adoro il tè verde.] “I love green tea”. Do you drink tea often? We are done, no more drinks for today. So see you next time. I hope you enjoyed it and oh! Don’t forget. Like always, write down in the comments which is your favorite drink? [Qual è la bevanda preferita?] Ci vediamo! Ciao!