Tutorial Transcript
Hello, welcome to Italian weekly words. This is Ilaria. Today’s theme is medicine Medicina. First word is... antibiotico, antibiotic Il dottore mi ha prescritto degli antibiotici. Doctor gave me antibiotics. Next word... Aspirina, Aspirin Ho bisogno di un'aspirina per il mal di testa. I need an Aspirin for my headache. In Italy, we mainly use Aspirin for flu. We don’t actually use it for many other symptoms. So flu, headaches and that’s it. Next word is... medicina per il raffreddore, cold medicine Ho comprato le medicine per il raffreddore. I bought cold medicine. Next word is... sciroppo per la tosse, cough syrup I remember when I was a kid, I never took it. The medicine I hate the most. Anyway... I bambini non vogliono mai bere lo sciroppo per la tosse. Kids never want to drink the cough syrup. Next word is… vaccino, vaccine Domani devo farmi il vaccino, ma ho paura! Tomorrow I have to get vaccine but I am scared. Next word would be... the end. It’s the end already. So I hope you enjoyed it and see you next time, bye bye.