Tutorial Transcript
Ciao! Welcome to Italian weekly words. This is Ilaria. Let’s see today’s theme. Oh furniture. In Italian, that would be I Mobili and the first word is: cassettiera, dresser A casa mia non ho una cassettiera. In my house, I don’t have a dresser. So it’s not that common in Italian household actually. scaffale, bookshelf Bookshelf or simply shelf actually. Sullo scaffale ci sono molti libri. On the bookshelf, there are many books, of course. Next one, scrivania, desk La mia scrivania è molto disordinata My desk is very messy, what about yours? sedia, chair Questa sedia è molto comoda. This chair is very comfortable. Next one. tavolo, table Il bicchiere è sul tavolo. The glass is on the table. Next word is finito, end. I hope you enjoyed and see you next time, ci vediamo. Ciao!