Tutorial Transcript
Ciao! This is Ilaria and welcome to Italian weekly words. Today’s theme is your face, la faccia. First word is... bocca, mouth Bocca bocca bocca bocca... Very basic sentence, Mio fratello ha una bocca grandissima. My brother has a very big mouth like big like wide, really. guancia, cheek I bamibini hanno delle guance molto carine. Little kids have very cute cheeks, don’t you think. Next one is chin. mento, chin Il marito di mia sorella ha il doppio mento. My sister’s husband has a double chin, like this. occhio, eye Adoro gli occhi verdi. I love green eyes. All eyes are beautiful by the way. Next word is... baffi, moustache Mio nonno aveva i baffi. My grandfather had moustache. Moustache, so funny oh my god. And finito! No more face’s parts and did we miss anything, no we have everything. Okay, so see you next time. I hope you enjoyed the video. Leave some comments, scrivere dei commenti, and see you next time, bye! Ciao!