Tutorial Transcript
wanna speak real Italian from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at Italian pod 101.com ciao welcome to Italian weekly words this is ilaria today's theme is currency exchange let's see sounds difficult converted to convert and what periodical converted your own dollar e is it a good period to convert euros in dollars just tell me I don't know Don Lollo americano United States dollar el momento Leo ap foster Dale dollar americano at the moment euros is stronger than United States donor so they say I love euro yeah we pronounce it arrow like Europa which is Europe we pho multicolored Adela Banco note the later I really like the colors of Europe bills sterling English and British Pound lustre leaning Lisa a sample a p40 perky the British Pound is always the strongest why contente e cash okay Algernon or G most urgent a non-parent on T Monza una carta de crédito nowadays many people don't pay in cash they just prefer to use a credit card abbiamo finito nan Chi so no people all in normal words for today and Shiva diamo approximate septum Ana see you next week ciao