Tutorial Transcript
Hello, this is Ilaria and welcome to Italian weekly words. Today’s theme is plants Piante, and the first plant is... albero, tree Gli alberi sono la mia pianta preferita. Trees are my favorite plant. erba, grass Da bambina una mia amica mangiava l'erba. A friend of mine when she was a child used to eat grass. Have you ever had this experience? It’s kind of creepy believe me. fiore, flower Qual è il tuo fiore preferito? What’s your favorite flower? What’s my favorite flower, it’s the Daisy, probably. la margarita. By the way, you know that Margherita, the name of the flower is the same of the pizza, Margherita and it’s also the name of a person. Margherita can be a person, a girl, Daisy and the pizza was named after a queen, queen Margherita. Please go to the internet and search for this story, it’s very interesting. Next word is... foglia, leaf. L'autunno è la stagione delle foglie cadute. Autumn is the season of the fallen leaves. So romantic, romantico. ramo, branch. Sul ramo ci sono due piccoli uccellini. On the branch, there are two small birds. Finito! Abbiamo finito per oggi, we are done for today and I hope you enjoyed it. See you next time. Ciao! When I was a child, I like to eat the melon seeds. Do you know you can eat them actually, they are very good.