Tutorial Transcript
Ciao! Welcome to Italian weekly words. This is Ilaria. Let’s see today’s theme. Oh jobs, Lavori. First job is... agente di polizia, Police officer Da bambino mio fratello voleva fare il poliziotto. When he was a child, my brother wanted to be a police officer. Next one. casalinga, housewife Fare la casalinga è un vero lavoro. Being an housewife is a true real job. Next one: contadino, farmer Non molte persone voglione diventare contadini. Not so many people want to become farmers. At least in Italy. Next job. infermiera, nurse Mia mamma è infermiera. My mother is a nurse. Next job will be... programmatore, programmer. Fare il programmatore è un lavoro molto complicato. Being a programmer is a very complicated job. Next word will be, oh it’s the last word. So we are done for today and I will be waiting for your comments. Write down your dream job. Qual è il vostro lavoro preferito? Please write it in Italian. Ciao!